Tuesday, December 15, 2009


What I'm going to do for Christmas is have fun with the family and
what else we do is eat and we go to my family
members house and we would eat but before Christmas day is I would go to my
aunts house and cook tamales and we would have a fun time just
being with my family and sometimes we would never visit my family
only on special holidays but other than that we wouldn't go visit them but i love them
sometimes I wish I could see them every day because when I was a little girl me and my cousin
would always play with me but not when she reach the age of 13 or 14 but
now I'm use to it.
what else I do for Christmas is have fun with the family but on are family
tradition is we go to my cousins house and we eat tamales before Christmas day and we
watch my cousins open there presents on Christmas Ev and we open them on Christmas day
just after they open there presents because we are kinda different then they would but we
are still the same from the inside but that's all we did for Christmas day but that's all
but Christmas day for me is fun cause I will get what i usually want for Christmas
and I'm happy for that.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Visit from New York

What I think about Globaloria now is globaloria now is its going
to be fun and interesting for the kids who think globaloria is
boring because we had a nice lady
name Rachel Rosenfelt and Laura Minnigerode and
they were telling us about globaloria and how it works.
but when the were talking about are background
and how it is going to look like and what is are topic going to be about and are topic
was about obesity and how it is affecting are community and what its doing to are children
and we talk about the Super Mario Bros game and we talk about it and
what we can do to change it like when Mario runs he is loosing a lot of weight and when
he is running like when he is trying to get the stars but instead of the stars he can try to get
food but the kind if is going to be healthy food and the
more he eats healthy food the more he gets to run faster but when he eats
junk food the he slows down and if he reaches to the point when he eats to much
junk food then he looses but what i think of Globaloria now is that
it's going to be way more fum then before because we had someone from
New York from the Globaloria company to come and tell us all about
are wiki's pages and she told us that she has been reading and what she thinks about
are ideas for the games and what are the games are going to be about but when she came
to visit us it made me think about globaloria and how fun it can be
but that's what I think but others might think wrong..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's important to follow directions because when your just playing around and not listening then your going to get behind everything and your teacher is going to have to go back to all the instructions again and you don't want to go throw them again and it's going to be tiring and if we don't follow the rules it's going to be a world with no rules and that would be chaos because we need them because there would be a lot of stuff going on like gangs and there would be a lot of people doing bad stuff like shooting and there would be people dying and that would be sad so we need to have rules not just in school we all so need it out of school like the world there would be things going on and that would be not so good but there would be people trying to kill the president or be trying to kill anyone else but that would be sad because and then when your at school you are not paying attention in class and that's going to effect your grades,and your education by not paying attention in class and you are not going to learn anything and that's not good at all but if you don't follow any rules you won't get any where....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What I Learned This Week

we learned about are flash video and work on are action scirp to know how to make they carrot into a movie and we add done other stuff like the days before that we like did to delete the wolf and the bunny,mushrooms,pizza but not the carrot because we are going to make a video with the carrot and the other items we are going' to make a video out of those items.
but the only reason we had left the carrot because we are going to add more like the bunny hoping for the bunny the carrot or it can be the bunny is looking for the carrot or it can be anything.but when we are going to do today is add more to it and we are going to add the bunny and the mushrooms and stuff like that.but the thing i want to learn is how to download it because
i don't know how to do that yet but i want to learn how to because Mrs.miller had to help me because my computer was not working so i was behind every thing and at the end of are technology class Mrs.miller had to help get throw it and as we get use to it she is going to have us
add more and more stuff to it but i want to really pay attioion to it but thats all i learned this week

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I think its important to be drug free because you could get sick or you can die and on red ribbon

week we honor a man who's name is Enrique ''KIKI'' Camarena because he is the one stop most of the people who are selling drugs and one time he was close to getting people who sell drugs but make alot of money and he was really close but then they move him to other level.when he was about to have lunch with his wife and 3 kids they had kidnapped him and they shoved him into a
car and the had torcher him and about one month later they had found him dead some where
by the grave yard and they had killed kiki and he was one of the bravest man.
but when i think about and how it affects me is that drugs is really bad and some people in my family drink and i don't like that but i have to live with it but i think only one person in my family that smokes and that is my cousins dad he smokes but i think that is like the only person that smokes in my family but the thing is i don't want him to smoke though because him and his daughter are really close and so are her father and my dad they are really close and i don't want to see him gone but it hurts me to so him smoke or my other family members to drink or smoke and i don't want they to die at a Young or even early age but i think its very important to not to smoke please its really bad for kids like me and even younger

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I thinks whats makes going to make this class better is that we have a little a bit more fun and I think a way is to have free time and how much time we can have is about 10 or 20 minutes of free time and maybe on Friday we can have free time for like for one in a half hour and I think that will make the class better and I also think we can make some changes is that we can have more fun in class so we can have fun with everyone and that's all I have in mind right now but I will come up with more so I can help Mrs.Miller get more ideas so we can have a better class.
what I now in technology that is easy for me is to add a hyperlink and what i need more work is how to add a videos its so hard for me because every time I try to add one of the videos they wouldn't come up when I would preview it the video would not come up like it's suppose to and
I don't want to have no more videos in my blogger because I only have 2 and I want more then two so I had to have some friends help me with my videos and they put a video on my blog and I tryed once and I got it but the next time I tryed it but it didn't work and I think i need a little bit more work on it but that's all.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

genres games

The kind of games I like are sports,scary,action,or adventures and I really like Super Mario Bros
because its fun and you can go on different islands and you can play with other people and you
can have fun with Mario and Mario's twin and I really like Mario because its fun playing with
him and he can get to dying in the game especially when your not a expert like my dad.My dad is really good at Mario Bros.But other games I'm at least good at is a game called galga its a really good game and I not that bad at it buy I really good game you can kill these little creatures
that come close to you and try to kill but you have a gun but it's a space ship and you can add on
to your space ship like have more ships and you can go to more and more levels but there are only 50 levels and I cant complete all of the levels but once my dad had complete all the levels and he had made it to level 50 and he had rubbed it in and I got so mad and I tryed to make it
to level 50 but it never happen so I moved on from galga and that it so i just sit and just watch my dad play and just let him rubbed it into my face and just let him do that all day long but I get
use to it after a while so when we both play we have a little war saying who got farther and when got the highest score we do that almost every time we play and we just see who is the best player at galga and we always have a argument about that and my mom has to decide for us but that's that game that interest me the most besides Super Mario Bros.

Friday, October 2, 2009


What I learned the first 6 week in technology is how to
create a post and how to make a
Gmail,blog,wiki page.
and I enjoyed that it was fun for the first 6 weeks
of school and I can't wait for the other projects
we have in technology class like we can make are own
game and I know that would be fun.
but what else I learned in tech is to have fun
and what else I learned in technology
class is vocabulary words I don't
even know all of them
and that's hard for me because there words that don't even make since
to like daemon,ribbon,rail,or even fragment
those are like the four words that are so weird to me
and sometimes I have to study the words just to get them right.
but I had fun in tech class especial
in Gmail its fun just talking to your friends
but that's what I learned in the first 6 weeks in school it was
awesome!!!!!!!!!!!: )

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The greastest game

The game that i like is call Infinity quest i like that game because
you get to do math and like math i think math is fun and on infinity quest
it has math and when you play and you get to make the big weird looking monsters
blast off the planet and i think its fun and i also think its funny and they have
two people and one is a boy and the other is a girl i usually pick the girl
because I'm a girl i don't usually go for the boy because I don't think that's right.
but that game is like Learn The Bones because the both have something in common
what they have in common is that you learn about bones and math.that's all you
do but i like those two games out of all they are the best.but what i hate about
Infinity quest is the too people they look weird to me they look
like they look like the cartoons from a poke Mon or dragon ball Z
and that looks funny to me but that's one if the things
and the other thing is to work on the monsters because the need to be more
real and it can be more better and more kids can play and they can learn
more math and they can have fun playing with the little monsters and the little kids
will have fun playing with the two people and with the big monsters that look cool.

Educational games

The game I liked the most was Learned The Bones i like that game the most because
I learned where most of the bones go but I don't know where some bones go.
When you play it its fun but other people think it boring but I don't
i think its fun because you get to learn the body parts and i didn't
know about some body parts until I played this game I never new about
a Maxilla or a Mandible that's like the most too I don't get right on the test.
after every bone that they give you get a test and most of the time I get those too
mix up so I never get them right.to me I think it looks very good it has
illustrate and I think its has science in the game since you are learning about
your bones in your body.the game works well there are no problems.
what i hate about the game is when the children yell like with happiness
i just don't like that part because it gets annoying and it makes you feel like a little girl or a boy and I just don't like that maybe if you don't have that it would make it way,way,better and what else can make it better is make it a little more exciting for older kids as well so more kids could play it so more kids well learn more about there body parts.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My favorite cartoon is ELMO because he rocks!!!!!!!.
Elmo is cool and he makes little kids laugh
and he is a good actor or a puppet.
I use to watch Elmo all the time when Iwas
little girl and I love him he was funny
to me. I thought he was really
good to me but other people
think he sucks or they
say Elmo is for little kids but I think he can be for little kids or
teenagers but Elmo is for little kids but not
to me .
so who ever hates Elmo you shouldn't because he didn't
do anything to you so just try to see how funny,cool
he is and just get to know he
ELMO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I think we should act good
because I see kids miss behave
and they act disrespectful to one
I think students should act is have good manners
and a positive attitudes and good sportsmanship
and to have fun in school.
what should college students should
look like is real college students
who are going to graduate for college.
but if we get in trouble so many times
and we have three warnings we well get sent to Dr.Cantu
office and you will get in big trouble I have seen the kids get in trouble.
I think its important to follow instructions because
you mite hurt yourself or you can hurt other kids or adults as well.
i also think we should have a after school program for students who need help
on math,science,ELA,history or if we dont need help we play games.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What I learned this week

What I learned technology is new words for tech and
I learned tech is the new words for the computers
and I never knew these words before so I
learned those words and what else I learned
is to create a blog and to add pictures.
That's all I learned so far except making Gmail and
wiki.: )

Thursday, September 17, 2009


What I learned in technology is how to add a picture and how to

add blogs to my blog for example if I want a picture I can click the right

button and press save as then I save it.

I also know how to create blogs,Gmail,and wiki pages that's

all we learned so far but to add pictures is easy know

since I know and i also know how to create a post as well.
having funn in technology!!!!!!!!: }

Monday, September 14, 2009

technology class

I learned about computers in technology class and its hard

because I'm scared I mite fell this class but I have to study

and I wanna learn how to typeing faster

and to become better working on the computer

but when I fell want to keep working and to never give up.