What I thought of the Age of Stupid is it One Very Interesting Movie
because it shows so many parts of the world that have problems
and how they struggle just to have shelter and have food to eat all day long which
is sad because there is one women who lives I think some where in Africa and
she had showed us where some children had died because of us and she was pregnant
at that time and she could not feed her little boy because she was hiding in the woods
because of our American Army had came and attack her village which killed so many children and adults and I had felt really bad for her...
One man said if you where born in poor family then thats what you are going to be an dif you where born in high class family then you would have money and have servants.
One man is having a protest about saying "No" to trucks to the transportation.To use bikes or walk to your destination.
And what else it is showing is the future and how is it going to be and whats going to happened
It had went to all the way to 2045 and maybe pass but at the end it had shown fire and people screaming, jumping off trees and birds flying around ,but I have learned a lot things that are going around the world and whats going on, what are we doing to the world and what may happened to it....