Thursday, October 27, 2011

After reviewing the games we had to play ,
I've learn somethings as in sometimes the educational value
or matter might not be Incorporated into the game and maybe
genres to.
Also the game(s) that stood out to me was one of the ones my
fellow classmates had created .. And I'm not saying it because
2 students from our school made it , but because the way the game
was created and very well thought out and had some well known facts
and maybe the only thing about it if it was more illustrated .. And what could be improved
was Chemistry 101 ..

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Playing to Learn, Genre: Sports And Racing.

Sports and Racing to me are types of games that have
a timer and you have to compete and sometimes it has sports of course . .
The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:
Mm, The game didn't teach me a new subject . . But it did teach me about oil spill.
The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue:
It most likely taught me a existing social issue , because I think oil spill has been around
for a while but like some people don't recognize it that much . .
The game or games that I liked the best:
The game I had liked best was . .
The Final Countdown .
What happens in the game or games:
In the game you have these two cars and you just keep on racing and
when you win you get to now these facts about oil spill and how it happens.
How you play the game or games:
Move the arrow keys and keep on going until you finally win !

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Playing To Learn ; Strategy

The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:
Yes , the game did taught me something and it was about the elements.
The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue:
I don't think it taught me a social issue , but it taught me something
educational . .
The game or games I liked the best:
The game I had liked best was Elemental Elegance .
What happens in the game or games:
In the game you have to answer the science questions about
Sodium , Hydrogen , Oxygen , Francium , Chlorine and Iron .
How do you play the game or games:
You first learn about those 6 elements and then answer the questions
about them . . That's pretty much what you do .

Friday, October 7, 2011

2011 Action Alexis C

The game that taught me a new educational skill or
gave information on a subject ?
Umm , I would say it gave me information about keeping my hands
clean and make sure I don't get sick .
And that how somethings
in my body fight it off !
The game that taught me about a new or existing social issue?
I don't think it taught me about a social issue ?
What happens in the game ?
What happens in the game is that you have these good kind
of germs and your like fighting off these germs that can get you sick
and they like eat it ..
The game or games I liked best .
The game I had liked best was Immune System Defender .

Monday, October 3, 2011

2011 Adventure

The game that taught me a new educational skill or
gave information on a subject ??
Yes , the games that I had played did
teach me about education !
The game that taught me about a new or existing social issue ?
Yes , it did it actually taught me about people
polluting every where !
Game I liked best :
Synchronized Saviors
What happens in the game :
What happens in the game is you going
on each level and try to clean up plastic bags and cigarettes
and other thing that people pollute !
How do you play it .
You play it by picking up things and putting it into this
car I'm guessing ?
And just keep on doing that till the area is clean . .