Thursday, December 1, 2011

About My Topic ;

My topic is about Children who are being
abuse known as "Child Abuse".
This issue interest me because I really wanna know more about
Child Abuse because I've seen movies based on true life
stories about Child Abuse , so I really do want to know
about that topic ..
I want people to learn that Child Abuse is a very serious
matter , and there is a way to help prevent it from happening or also
be aware Child Abuse because children are dying at a really young age sometimes...
This issue needs to be addressed because Child Abuse is a very serious matter..

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Choosing A Topic

Most likely for kids who want to learn about child abuse . My game will teach the specific things about Child Abuse and it will also give out a lot of facts about child abuse and to be aware of child abuse . Either in area where child abuse happens and that would most likely be at children homes . Because it would show where the kids are most likely being abuse at . It helps them notice child abuse and to be aware of it .. Because you'll actually learn about Child Abuse and know about it instead of a quiz .. And it's most visual work .

Monday, November 7, 2011

Civics : National Politics

My thoughts about that particular commercial is that
it's NOT good at all because what is it doing?
Like really I don't see how that commercial is helping him.
And to be honest I really think that video is
sooooooo strange , like why would you have smoking in it ?
Why would you have the guy at the end and with a CREEPY smile !
I really don't like it at all whatsoever !

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

March Of The Penguins 2011

What challenges did the Penguins had to overcome?
-Starvation , Predators
How does their habitat challenge their livelihood each day?
-The Penguins might starve to death or maybe because
of the really bad weather ,
like for the unborn baby penguins .
The just might die in the egg because they are not use to the
weather yet.
What types of Adaptions so Penguins need in order to survive
winter and predators?
-They have to adapt to the cold weather
and walk a long distance from their
feet to their destination in order
to get food
. And they have to get
use to not having food for at least
a few months .
Why is there a period
of time in which
there is practically no sunlight ?
How does that effect the climate?
-It effects the climate because the ice is to frozen , so that means
that the Penguins can't get any
food therefor they could starve
to death and just die .
How could climate change negatively impact the mating ritual
of the emperor penguin?
-Because they could become extinct.
Why is it important that the
ground be frozen solid during the month of birthing?
- It's very important because when
the baby penguins aren't born yet
they could die underwater because
they haven't been underwater
yet , and they need to be warm and kept that way until they hatch .

Thursday, October 27, 2011

After reviewing the games we had to play ,
I've learn somethings as in sometimes the educational value
or matter might not be Incorporated into the game and maybe
genres to.
Also the game(s) that stood out to me was one of the ones my
fellow classmates had created .. And I'm not saying it because
2 students from our school made it , but because the way the game
was created and very well thought out and had some well known facts
and maybe the only thing about it if it was more illustrated .. And what could be improved
was Chemistry 101 ..

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Playing to Learn, Genre: Sports And Racing.

Sports and Racing to me are types of games that have
a timer and you have to compete and sometimes it has sports of course . .
The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:
Mm, The game didn't teach me a new subject . . But it did teach me about oil spill.
The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue:
It most likely taught me a existing social issue , because I think oil spill has been around
for a while but like some people don't recognize it that much . .
The game or games that I liked the best:
The game I had liked best was . .
The Final Countdown .
What happens in the game or games:
In the game you have these two cars and you just keep on racing and
when you win you get to now these facts about oil spill and how it happens.
How you play the game or games:
Move the arrow keys and keep on going until you finally win !

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Playing To Learn ; Strategy

The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:
Yes , the game did taught me something and it was about the elements.
The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue:
I don't think it taught me a social issue , but it taught me something
educational . .
The game or games I liked the best:
The game I had liked best was Elemental Elegance .
What happens in the game or games:
In the game you have to answer the science questions about
Sodium , Hydrogen , Oxygen , Francium , Chlorine and Iron .
How do you play the game or games:
You first learn about those 6 elements and then answer the questions
about them . . That's pretty much what you do .

Friday, October 7, 2011

2011 Action Alexis C

The game that taught me a new educational skill or
gave information on a subject ?
Umm , I would say it gave me information about keeping my hands
clean and make sure I don't get sick .
And that how somethings
in my body fight it off !
The game that taught me about a new or existing social issue?
I don't think it taught me about a social issue ?
What happens in the game ?
What happens in the game is that you have these good kind
of germs and your like fighting off these germs that can get you sick
and they like eat it ..
The game or games I liked best .
The game I had liked best was Immune System Defender .

Monday, October 3, 2011

2011 Adventure

The game that taught me a new educational skill or
gave information on a subject ??
Yes , the games that I had played did
teach me about education !
The game that taught me about a new or existing social issue ?
Yes , it did it actually taught me about people
polluting every where !
Game I liked best :
Synchronized Saviors
What happens in the game :
What happens in the game is you going
on each level and try to clean up plastic bags and cigarettes
and other thing that people pollute !
How do you play it .
You play it by picking up things and putting it into this
car I'm guessing ?
And just keep on doing that till the area is clean . .

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gamer's Solve Scientific Problems 2011

1) How did gamers use the computer game
Foldit to solve the protein folding mystery ?
They used it as a model maybe ??
2) Who can participate in this problem solving and be
a player in Foldit .
Anyone with strong critical thinking skills can play this game !
3) What can critical thinking do for science ?
I'm not all that sure what critical thinking can do for
science , but my guess is it's really helpful in a way ..
4) If you can solve a mystery through gaming for
any kind of disease or illness in the world , what would it be?
I think it would be like some kind of game for cancer because that's how my
grandma die and I would love to cure it .. But I'm not sure if
they have a game for that ??

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mini Game 2011

Was it hard to make your assignment ?
Umm , the Mini Game assignment wasn't all that
difficult .. In some places it was , but not really .
I feel maybe it would be hard for beginners .. But that would be it ..
What was the best part of the topic ..
The best part of the topic is probably when
you get to draw and then see the movie at the end .. Which
I find it awesome , might not be to others ... But to me it is !
The worst part ?
The worst was probably trying to get all the codes down
and making sure its the exact cold and they each
have a instance name and you have to have on a
separate layer .. Basically starting out and have the codes seems a little hard
to me , but that's just me might be different to others .

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 9 , 2001

How old were you on September ?
When 9/11 happened I was at least 3 or 4 years old and
i was really young by that time so I really didn't know what
happened , until now !
When did you first learn about the attacks and
who explained these events to you ?
I think when I first learned about these attacks is when I
was in second grade and my teacher Mrs.MaClain
my teacher is the one who told me only about the Twin Towers
not the other ones.
What kind of impacts did these attacks have on
your life and your parents lives ?
I'm really not sure about my parents lives , but mine it kind of does bother to see like the
two tallest towers fall down or get torn down like that
and maybe actually one day I would like to see the Towers , but I can't
now /:
What was the issue with this game ?
Some people might remember this day and take it horrible
once again .. Or maybe the game wasn't all that great
like they said " Eventually a plane is going to sleep threw " ..
How do you feel about it ?
To be honest I kind of feel bad just to even hear about it ,
and now they have a game about it makes it more terrible for me !!
What is the problem with portraying on such a awful violent event
through a video game .
I think the problem is people playing and reliving the tragic day , maybe
that's how people feel?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2 Single Story 2011

" Danger Of A Single Story ''
It means like you basically make a assumption about a place thatpeople say it's a bad place , which it may or may not be true ?!How could people learn more about that community Since we live in the " East Side " they automatically think that it's the badside and that almost all thekids over here drop out and I really don't think that's true ..Because not all kids are bad or dropped out of school .Look at us we are in a school in the East Side that are perusing ourselves to go to college and their are teachers here making sure we actually do that !And they can changed that is by coming over here and seeing what our school does and how good it is ..!I don't I have heard a single story besides the East Side .???But if I was to here about a place ,I think I would probably visit that area and see what it is really about ..It will help people out because , they would learn more about that place and teach them that , that the place isn't what people say it is ..!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1 Cyberbully 2011

How does the main character feel about using "Clisters"
in the beginning of the film ?
- At the beginning she really didn't care for Clisters , but later
on in the film .. Shes like into to the whole website and she can't
stop going on it .
What is her family situation ?-Challenges,-Financial Status,-Relatoinship ?
Her father had left them or cheated on Taylor's mother with a
younger women . & that's why taylor at that oint of the movie
hates her father !
- Her Mother is really like a protective mother.
She is like on of those mothers who
always gotta know what you are doing & who you are
with . That kind of mother ..
& of course Taylor's brother is like any other brother .
[ Annoying , Mean etc..;.]
What type of relationship does she have ..
She has A pretty good , honest .
Especially with Samantha , like it seems like she knows
her more better and longer .
& with her other friend Cheyenne ..
When does the cyberbulling began ?
It Starts When She Opens That "Clisters" Account .
& that's when Lindsey started calling ehr things and that's
when Taylor called her a bad word on Clisters ..
What is the rest of the cyberbulling that Taylor Experiences ?
She Experiences so many things .
She is getting called names , she is always getting pick on
when she just enters the classroom or anywhere else .
And things get said about her that are lies .
What type of cyberbulling does Taylor experience .
What Would you do if you where in Taylor's shoes?
What I Would Do Is report what's going on to my parents
& to my trusted teacher . After I Do that I Would report it to the
person who owns the site or whatever..
How does Taylor react to the mean comments people keep
posting about her life ?
She doesn't want to live anymore . She Can't take the pain and she tries
to commit suicide .
Does she even try to stop people from posting insults?
She did not try to stop the people , she trys to ignore but that does not
work .. But What she should have done is tell her mother !
How do you think taylor felt about her friends betraying her ?
I think she feels so much Anger torwards them & especially Samantha .
What kind of changes do you think taylor experience through the film ?
I think she became more stronger & knows how to stand up for herself now!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

1 Cyberbulling 2011

This Is My First Blog Post Of 2011-2012 School Year !

1.) What Is A Cyberbully .?

Is A Person Who Harasses You Or Embarrassed You Online ,

And Spreads All Your Secrets ..

2.)What Are The Different Types Of Cyberbulling .?

Threatening You Or Block you From Groups ..

3.)What You Should Do If Your Being Cyberbullied .?

You should just ignore all messages That They Sent You .. Or Maybe

You Can Block The User , And Save All Messages And

Send Them To A Trusted Adult Or The Person Who Owns The Website And Report

It To Them So They Could Get In Some Kind Of Trouble ..

What Are Some Reasons That People

Because They Might Be Jealous Of You Or They

Just Don't Like You At All ..

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Alexis C 2011 13

The game had tough me a few things even though I didn't that much,

but lucky I got to play it over there where we had met Sandra O'day Conner .

First female Supreme Justice !

I have learned a lot from it

like you have to chose from the bad choices and

what you learn is all about the Democracy

and more things ! It teaches us about

the things that they do in the

government or maybe even the president house !

I like how the people move and

I like how the are weird but I really do think it is fascinating!(:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Alexis C 2011 11

The Nintendo 3D had just came out not to long ago . And

I think this Nintendo is absolutely extraordinary

it has quite a few things like ,

A built-in 3D Depth Slider that allows you to adjust the intensity and it

could also be played in 2D as well in 3D, it also comes with a Gyro Sensor, and still has

the touch screens, but instead the one on top is bigger than the DSI .

It also has 3D photos .. And so much more,but it to much to tell, but I really

do think their new design is really amazing . Especially now that it is in 3D . Who would

ever though about that .. And I just saw now that the charger is weird, like I mean

instead of the plug going in you get to plug into a black little thing that I have no clue what

it is ??? But I really Am Interested In the new Nintendo 3D..

All The Info About The New D.S

I'm guessing the DS Price is around 250-300 ??

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Team Video Blog

This Is Our Video ... Epic Starz ..

Alexis C 2011 10

If I could have a chance I would try to sell it, but that probably
won't happened so it would most likely be
a no, just for right now .
I would attach a celebrity to my game, but I'm not sure who I would
like to have play because their are a lot of celebrity's that I like
and its going to be a while .. Umm... I would have ....
Michael Jordan .. I'm not sure ... Though because its a tough decision for me ..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Alexis C 2011 9

Japan's Disaster
I really do think that it is sad to see so many lives gone .
And trust me I really do feel bad for the families who had lost
their loves ones in their life .. Especially the little children who don't get to
know what life is and what they can do in life ..Like knowing
that their loves one wont be home anymore to greet them or won't be able to see
them anymore is really depressing ..
If their was anything I could do is probably
fly to Japan and help the people who survived, give them food and shelter, help them
out because they have no where else to go ..
And if I could not do that then we
as a school should have a fundraiser to help out ..
We should sell food and save the money and give it to people in
Japan .. I would so do that ..Just to help them out !!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Alexis C 2011 8

The New PSP
The new PSP NGP looks and sound amazing !!!
Like Ireally had never thought the would come up with a new PSP !!!!
I mean this is new PSP is way better that the
first one they came out with it has a lot of things, as in
Dual Analog Sticks, Front & Back Rear View Cameras, Front Touch Multi-Touch Display, and a
Multi-Touch Rear Pad like they came up with a lot
in this one and its even touch screen
and it even has Wi-Fi ..Man I would have never thought they would have came up with
this .. I would love to have this new NGP even
though I am a girl, and girls hate games,
but I would lovee to have this since it has the cool suff ..
Image Found:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Alexis C 2011 7

1.Happened In 1994.
Public School Num.'s 112 & 115
They started right after 9/11 just a year ! Some kids don't even have
parents in their life all they have is there grandparents and those kids see bad
things sometimes and that's why they want to be better than what their parents
were to them
or they want to have a good life without any problems .
Some kids that are learning how who dance ball room want to dance and the teacher and
the ball room teacher have to choose at least 5 couples and 1 substitute couple.
Some teachers get upset because they don't want the kids to feel bad because
they did not get chosen and that's going to make some kids that weren't
chosen feel bad and think they are not a good enough dancer .
A lot of the kids from the video don't have role models in their
life . Teamwork means working together as a team like everyone is helping
not just one person everyone is actually helping and they are not
arguing with another or anything like that ..
One of the schools didn't make it and they are now having a discussion about
it ...I really do see the stundents working hard together as a
team they aren't fighting about who wants to be with who or they are not
complanning about how boring it is or saying they don't want to
dance at all ! One of the kids were close to becoming a street kid and ever
since he had joined he had change his attitude and he is really commited !
The Public School 115 won the big trophy, they achieve their goal !
Teamwork is really important to them because if you have a lot of
work and their people who aren't helping then yall would never get the work done !
I would work hard with my team and achieve are own goal as well !!!
I think the main message should take away is work together as a team to achieve their goal even though you really, really, dislike your partner ..
I will reall try my best working with my teamates who sometimes get off
topic, but thats alright because we get our work done and we achieve our goal as well !!

Alexis C 2011 6

The game I had played for Math games are
Demolition Division & Meteor Multiplication & Minus Mission as you can tell it is about Multiplying and Dividing and to me in these
games you have to think very quick because in the
for Minus Mission and If the Minus touches you then you die and the point of the game is
you have a number in the shooter and you just math it to the correct equation
thats all you have to do for all 3 Games, But they are all different by the Muliplication,
Division . But the game was kind of easy because I am Good at both so yeah ..


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Alexis C 2011 5

The first game (J.Lo Fur Bully On The Block) is basically played with the arrows and the space bar and you just keep a distance from J.Lo and save all the Little
And the Second game is also the arrows and you just move and just, really it's
kind of like The Super Mario Bros.
The social issue is maybe endangered species or maybe the people who
use too much fur..
Second is people who use too much of a kind of food !
The first(J.Lo Fur Bully On The Block) game taught me that
using to much fur can effect the animals in so many ways like it's basically
saying that J.Lo is one celebratiy that uses animals fur and it's not just the fake it's
the real fur from animals and thats what I had learned from the first game.
The second game (Super Chick Sisters) taught me that KFC uses too much chicken..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Alexis C 4 2011

At the beginning of the movie, Jimmy is walking down the highway. Where is he going?
- Jimmy was heading to California.
What is the problem that the little boy, Jimmy, has?
- Jimmy has a kind of probelm is ever since his twin sister drowed he has
not been himself because they were so close that he felt like he had no one else.
Jimmy likes to stack and build things. How does this relate to video games?
- I think jimmy likes to stack things is because it some how relates to games like in games
the some how have a lot of building and more, but that's what I think of and
maybe it really does help him think about game.
Playing video games seems to help Jimmy feel better. Why do you think this is?
- I think ever since his sister died he didn't have nothing else to do and I
think he just started to play video games and ever since then video games made
him feel way better.
What makes him such an awesome video game player?
- I think what makes him a great gamer is big time practice or its probably what
he use to do with his twin sister.
What kinds of games do you see being played? Have you ever played any games like this before?
- I have played some games like that before and I have seen some games like
that before because I use to have an old time Nintendo myself and I had use to play
How many different game systems do you see in the film?
- I can not say how many games I see in the film, but their were
quiet a few.
What did you think about the Power Glove?
- I think the power glove was an awesome invention !!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Alexis C 2 2011 Crayon Physics

Crayon Physics
I could really incorporate this in my game because is showing strategy, which
I think is really fun, but at the same time
hard so it would be similar like the Crayon
Physics but not that similar because that would be copying
which is illegal but I can see
how to work with it
in different areas since it would be my own game and maybe
I could make a few agustments to it in my
own way so it could
be more different
and maybe I could have more items
to it so it would be
more challenging and that way they cant figure out a way just to get to the
other level.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Alexis C 1 2011

What I think about Google having a Science Fair is awesome!
Even though it's the first I had ever heard of it because I have really
have never even heard about google having some kind of fair, But I think what they are
trying to do is a good thing especially for people who are really interested in science
and electronic stuff.
To be honest I really don't like science and I am not that type to
be interested so I am going to have to say not I would not see myself entering
into a science fair and I have entered once
and it really didn't go all that well.
It's exciting to be competing students from all over the world, But I would be kind
scared because I might think like "Man, his is better than mine" I would really have
negative thoughts and really put my self down.
Sharing ideas with other people is cool
because you get to come up these ideas that
nobody has ever came up with
or even have thought of it.
The idea I would have is maybe chemistry and the only reason why is because
I have never done nothing to do with chemistry and I would like to try something
new for once instead of like making something so easy and simple like making
a volcano and I just really wanna try something more
challenging. (: