What I think about Globaloria now is globaloria now is its going
to be fun and interesting for the kids who think globaloria is
boring because we had a nice lady
name Rachel Rosenfelt and Laura Minnigerode and
they were telling us about globaloria and how it works.
but when the were talking about are background
and how it is going to look like and what is are topic going to be about and are topic
was about obesity and how it is affecting are community and what its doing to are children
and we talk about the Super Mario Bros game and we talk about it and
what we can do to change it like when Mario runs he is loosing a lot of weight and when
he is running like when he is trying to get the stars but instead of the stars he can try to get
food but the kind if is going to be healthy food and the
more he eats healthy food the more he gets to run faster but when he eats
junk food the he slows down and if he reaches to the point when he eats to much
junk food then he looses but what i think of Globaloria now is that
it's going to be way more fum then before because we had someone from
New York from the Globaloria company to come and tell us all about
are wiki's pages and she told us that she has been reading and what she thinks about
are ideas for the games and what are the games are going to be about but when she came
to visit us it made me think about globaloria and how fun it can be
but that's what I think but others might think wrong..
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