Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Alexis C 13 2010

Strange Days On Planet Earth
At the same time a frog can be a girl and a boy is what a man said
isn't that weird just to here that.
One man was sharing with us is when he first was interested in what he is doing right now
which discover things.
Insects are small, but they can be strong together especially termites.
Termites are kinda like a threat to us they might me in our own homes, but we might
not know about it, they might be eating all of our wood for fire and they might make
a hole in our house and we would not even now about it that's how bad it is and there's a town that is infested with so many termites and it was so bad that they had ran away from them isn't like so weird to even hear that there are a lot of Strange things going on in this world that we don't even know of.
Strange days Part 2.
Lake Victoria is the most large tropical lake.
Croc. a threat to the animals on shore.
Reports of Croc's. attack increase in Ganda.
Some kind of plant is taking over and it's an impact to us because it's all over the shore line.There as been an exploration in everything rats to comdo dragons
to king toads and then to cats.PLants seem gently enough, but really not the can strangle other
plants.Hawaii great risk of landslides.There is even a team against weeds from plants
''Weed Worriers".
Strange days Part 3
7,000 species are in motion crossing the ocean wondering around everyday.
They predict about 2/3's of mammals will go extinct. Before humans creatures would take years to move to another place and adapted there, but when we came along now all animals are moving all over or becoming extinct.
The one degree Part 1
Places are getting more than there share.
Temp. as increase in places to 11 degrees.60,000 animals had vanished.
the climate is changing so fast that the elders worry so much about it.Mosquitoes can suck about a table spoon of blood everyday from carabos.thousands of carabos looses their lives during really bad blizzards.

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